
by SpiritOfLogic

iTouchSecure for iOS 9 - click here

After extensively testing iTouchSecure, I have to say that I would use it on my daily driver. Saves a lot of time.

Jeff Benjamin JeffBenjam (, Twitter

iTouchSecure is the reason to buy iPhone with fingerprint

@iD7me, Twitter

More User Quotes Here


  • Autofill passwords everywhere
  • Authenticate with Touch ID for any Password entry
  • Authenticate with Touch ID for Safari Password Autofill
  • Authenticate with Touch ID for Chrome Password Autofill
  • Authenticate with Touch ID for any in-browser Password entry
  • Stores passwords encrypted in local keychain like Apple does

Love Touch ID?

Why not use it for more than just unlocking your device? With iTouchSecure you can use it to autofill EVERY password. Don't bother to type in a password again! iTouchSecure makes it as easy as putting your finger on the Homebutton. All passwords are stored securely in your local Keychain like Apple does. iTouchControl autofills any password in any password entry for all Apps and even all websites. It also integrates with Safari's and Chrome's built in autofill functions.

From the makers of iRealSMS, PwnTunes and PhotoAlbums+:
iTouchSecure, Convenience... Optimized for your Lifestyle:
Apple - but with ALL possibilities.

Designed for iPhone 5S

(Password autofill also works on devices without Touch ID.)

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